Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Added some flowers and such based on Erich's fiddleheads. I think I need to go a little higher poly on them cuz they look a bit too geometric.

WIP, still gonna paint some better textures into them, but this is gonna be the overall look i thinks... unless Teh Dylan says otherwise.

Dylan: you mentioned you wanted some more color painted into the textures... should I use blues and purples like the flowers, or should I use something opposite on the color wheel?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Break Time

We were asked this week to present at the Pack Meeting and although we all stepped up and committed to this project, we did not meet this task.

I want everyone to take a break from the project (unless you're Hunter and Jen... get to work!). We'll regroup on Monday. Don't touch any of the work for this until next week, but expect to have regular work load.

I will call you guys individually to review what happened this week.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Odin's Fruit Vines of the Great White North

Here are three Fruit Vines. Each is about 400 polys, (700 tris) each with their own 512 targ. have fun.

I forgot to take screen shots. Sorry.

I also will not have time to finish the bush berries. I have to catch up on the rest of my homework. I hope these models will suffice for the time being.

Fiddleheads Ice Ferns Of The Great White North

Here are stage01_fiddleheads_01 & _02.

Download them from this mediafire link.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Goat incoming.

New Assignments

I have sent an email out with the assignments this week. To review, the bulk of those assignments are due Wednesday at the latest, but Tuesday ideally. Please email me or call me to confirm you got the email!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ancient Symbols

Here's the sheet for the ancient symbols. Just grab a symbol and start creating combinations to build the hieroglyphics of the Ancient Ruins. The Rock Runes, the bridge, the wall, any of these ancient ruin objects should have these markings on them.

You'll either need to create an alpha channel in the TGA you create or create an entirely separate map that we will use in the emission channel to make these markings glow. We should have control over the color of the emission maps, but in your diffuse maps use blues and purples for these markings.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stump01 & 02

diffuse, normal, spec, ambient occ, snow, icicles (with correct pivots) 465 tri's

Monday, May 12, 2008

Torch Complete

diffuse, normal, spec, alpha, collision, 201 polys

Guard Tower. 95% done

I'll clean up the poly count before I start texturing!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Tree

ta da! donezorz

Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Looks. Uber_Guard_Tower

Rigging Question

When binding weights I cant get certain verticies to bind to a spine joint, they keep moving with the head any ideas how to fix this. I have already tried reassigning the verts in the component editor, and painting the weights to other bones. I really don't know what to try next

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I don't know if it was mentioned before (since I was in the cave all night), but someone is gonna make David a torch, right? And someone start working on some birds? Or other animals, too? Didn't we want a sea dragon/snake or something under the bridge?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

David: update

all done with the texturing... well mostly. Still gotta go in and add some grungemaps and some polish. Here we are so far tho. I'll get the alpha maps for the fur done this week.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Unreal ActorX

Is this what you guys were looking for?

I don't see anything for downloading version 3, but I guess it still works.